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Objects of Retrogaming

"Objects, it seems, provide both nostalgia as well as a cure. They function as proxies for homes that have been lost."

Objects in Retrogaming plays a part in providing eudaimonic experiences to individual players. In this page, it includes the thoughts of players as they see an object related to Retro Gaming. While some of these objects are still commonly seen today, the thoughts of the players in comparison to others differs based on their own memory of it.



"..Rather than coming across an old TV at this day and age, I think this nostalgia comes through old photographs that has my old TV in it. It makes me feel a certain bittersweet way whenever I see it. Reminds me a lot of when everything shown was so much more pixelated and of lower quality back then. It was also amusing to be one of the earlier generations to see something on TV react through a controller."

Connecting Dots

Gaming Console

"Collecting these gaming consoles is the easiest way for me to revisit the past. Of course it doesn't feel the same as compared to when I first owned these consoles, but it does feel nice once in a while to be able to play the games that I've loved when I was younger."

OLD magazines


"I remember in the past, Nintendo Power magazines used to encourage us to send in images of us beating games. I once found the photograph I took while playing an old game (Ice Hockey, 1988).  Since the camera and technology wasn't so good back then, we had so much trouble with the camera flash and quality of picture taken. "

Game Mascots

Players have noted the importance of characters in a game and that they could possibly end up creating a “deep connection to the characters in the game," 


"Oh, the mascots were everywhere. Even until today, which is absolutely amusing to me. Seeing the same mascots that has grown up with me every once in awhile does make me miss my childhood sometimes."



"It feels like such a long time since I've seen these. It's due to the fact that I don't own the consoles anymore, and with the newer consoles providing digital stores for us to purchase games, it's a much rarer sight..? I remember blowing into these cartridges when I was younger because the game didn't work."

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